What We Do
Managing the Museum Accreditation Scheme, which is the sector standard for museums in the UK.
Providing Grant Assistance to Accredited museums, and museums working towards Accreditation.
Strengthening the skills of knowledge of people working and volunteering in museums through our Training Programme and a wide variety of networking and peer learning opportunities.
Promoting museums and their collections as sources of inspiration, learning, and enjoyment. Advocating and demonstrating the benefits and impacts of museums.
Undertaking Research and Publications to support the development of local museums.
Providing Guidance and Information to the sector and the general public.
Bringing climate conversations to local communities by arranging The Science Festival Climate Tour in collaboration with five local museums, NI Science Festival and a range of aligned organisations.
Coordinating the Playful Museums Festival for under 5’s and their carers.
Coordinating local museum involvement in the Global Voices Local Choices project with project partners National Museums NI and ACSONI.
Coordinating the Dementia Friendly Museums Project.
Coordinating The Late Shift programme.
Coordinating Reimagine, Remake, Replay with local museums.
Museums Tell Stories Community Engagement project.
Coordinating A Brush With Nature.
Delivery of the HLF Skills For The Future programmes.
Delivery of HLF Playful Museums Programme.