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Global Voices Local Choices

Global Voices Local Choices Guidance Document

Image of workshop participants from the Active Citizens Engaged group discussing World Cultures Collection items in the Ulster Museum PDF: 7.23 MB

This guidance document has been written by the Global Voices, Local Choices partners – National Museums NI, African Caribbean Support Organisation of NI, NI Museums Council and participating museums. Partners are committed decolonisation work in their organisation in Northern Ireland or further afield. Whilst this project was primarily museum based and used World Cultures objects to engage participants in conversation there is nothing to say the approach used to keeping this document couldn’t work in other settings alive by reviewing and updating it on a regular basis. The document has been shaped by evidence from an evaluation report on the project carried out by external evaluators.

We hope this guidance document will prove useful to those who seek to deliver decolonisation work in  their own organisations in Northern Ireland or further afield.

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Global Voices Local Choices Case Study Video

PDF: 188.20 MB

Watch the short case study video that gives a great overview of the project and reflects partner, museum and participant outcomes.

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Playful Museums Festival

Playful Museums Festival - Armagh Robinson Library

PDF: 19.77 MB

The experience, learning and outcomes of the Playful Museums Festival, from the perspective of Armagh Robinson Library.

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