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Andrew Jackson and US Rangers Centre

Opening times: Wednesday to Sunday: 11am to 3pm Check website for seasonal opening times
2 Boneybefore, Carrickfergus, BT38 7EG
Admission: Free
Col. William O. Darby, founder of the American Rangers

The Andrew Jackson Cottage highlights Carrickfergus’ strong American and Ulster-Scots connections as well as telling the story of Andrew Jackson, the 7th president of the USA, whose parents emigrated to America from Carrickfergus in 1765. Located less than a mile from the town centre off the Larne Road, this single storey building has been restored to its original state. The interior has been decorated with a dresser, sponge wear crockery, iron pots and griddles. The cottage also has a collection of Ulster patchwork quilts.

Beside the Andrew Jackson Cottage is an exhibition dedicated to the US Rangers, the elite American army regiment. Formed in 1942, the US Rangers were based in Carrickfergus during the World War II. The exhibition has an enthralling collection of uniforms, photographs, documents and other material detailing this famed combat unit.


Accessible Parking
Accessible Toilets
Coach parking/set down
Education room
Free Admission
Guided Tours
Free parking
Guide Dogs Permitted
Picnic Area


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