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Playful Museums Festival 2025

This grant scheme aims to support activities that promote playful museum spaces, and programming for children under 5. All grant-funded activities should take place during February 2025 to coincide with the Playful Museums Festival.

The Festival has become a core part of programming for NI museums and welcomes under 5s, their parents and carers for a series of  free bespoke activities and events designed for Early Years. The festival build relationships between families and under 5 units with their local museums and creates long term changes to museum spaces.

Museums can apply for up to £500 and must review the criteria within the guidelines before applying. This grant stream is available to accredited NI Museums Council members only.

The 2025 festival is supported by Art Fund.

PMF Guidelines 2024-25

PMF Application Form 2024-2025

Applications open: 20th September 2024

Deadline to apply: 5pm on 18th October 2024