LET’S TALK – Digital & Museums
Online WebinarJoin us online for another LET’S TALK session. This time we will be covering the topic of digital projects and the digital responsibilities of museums.
Nicôle Meehan
Lecturer in Museum and Heritage Studies
We often speak of digital in abstract terms, such as ‘the cloud’. It almost seems like technology has no materiality and therefore no material consequences. Yet, digitisation uses hardware, software and network connectivity, the production and maintenance of which requires extractive and energy intensive processes. The ‘Environmental Cost of Digital Technologies in Museums’ project seeks to understand the consequences of the use of digital in cultural institutions for the environment and for humans. Nicôle will share insights generated from this project.
Eilidh Lawrence
Head of Museum and Photographic Collections, University of St Andrews
Museums have been experimenting with forms of digital interventions and engagement for decades. But how often are audiences considered at the heart of these experiments? How often instead has the technology been considered first?
Eilidh will share the findings from the Digital Integration project that started with audiences first – building an understanding of the needs and wants of communities, establishing a baseline of digital capacity and utilising this to trial different approaches of engaging with audiences digitally.
Arran Rees
Museum Data Manager for the Museum Data Service
The Museum Data Service (MDS) is a newly-launched service, aiming to bring together the collections of UK museums over the next 10 years. Designed in partnership between Collections Trust, Art UK and the University of Leicester, the MDS is establishing itself as a core infrastructure for digital collections. In this talk, Arran Rees, the Museum Data Manager at MDS, will cover both how the MDS works for museums wanting to join, and for researchers wanting to access and use the data held there.
Who is this suitable for?
This training is available to individual members of NIMC and all those who work for an organisational member. If you are not sure whether your organisation is a member, please check by contacting info@nimc.co.uk
How to Book
Bookings can be made via Eventbrite. If this is not possible, please complete a Training Booking Form 24-25 and send to catherine.doran@nimc.co.uk.