How to apply for accreditation
New Applicants
Museums thinking of applying for Accreditation should first consult with NI Museums Council and complete an Accreditation Eligibility Questionnaire.
To apply for the Scheme for the first time or reapply after a period of non-participation, your organisation must meet the definition of a museum:
‘Museums enable people to explore collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment. They are institutions that collect, safeguard and make accessible artefacts and specimens, which they hold in trust for society’.
The museum must also meet the following criteria:
- be based in the UK, Isle of Man or Channel Islands
- be a physical site/space/building which is open to the public regularly
- enable the public to see and engage with your museum’s collections
- have an appropriate constitution which supports the long-term purpose of a public museum
- be committed to making a full application for Accreditation within three years
If you meet all these criteria, you should first have a look at our Accreditation Documents and read the guidance for first time applicants. If you have queries about your eligibility, you can contact the Northern Ireland Accreditation Assessor, at or call on 028 9055 0215.
You should then complete and sign an eligibility questionnaire, downloadable below, and email it to us. We will assess your eligibility and may contact you for additional information; we usually let you know our decision within six weeks. If successful, we will confirm your organisation’s ‘Working Towards Accreditation’ status and you will be invited to apply.
Download the Eligibility Application Form and Guidance Notes
Eligibility Questionnaire
Download QuestionnaireAccreditation Standard 2018
Download StandardEligibility and How to Apply
Download Guidance NotesThe Accreditation Scheme uses it’s own classification of size and type to determine what criteria museums will be assessed on.
To find out your museums size and type check the Museum Scalability Indicators Guidance.
If the museum doesn’t have a museum professional on the workforce, an Accreditation Mentor will be needed to meet the requirements of the Scheme. Contact NI Museums Council to find more information about mentors.
Questions for national & nationally-styled museums
National and nationally-styled museums should complete these additional questions as well as demonstrating the rest of the Standard requirements have been met.
Once you have been awarded Working Towards Accreditation status, and have established the size and type of your museum, you are ready to make a full application.
When you’re ready to apply, make sure you have the Accreditation Standard and refer to the guidance How to meet the Standard. These are both available to download on this page or from the Accreditation Documents page.
If your museum is already Accredited, you will be invited to submit an Accreditation return every five years. See our Accreditation Return Schedule to find out when your museum is due to be invited next.
Both first time and return applications are now made online via the Arts Council England(ACE) applications portal called Grantium.
Please read the Getting Started on Grantium document. You might also find it useful to watch the Getting Started on Grantium videos. There is technical support Telephone 0161 934 4317.
To get started on Grantium, museums and galleries will first need to set up a user account and applicant profile if they haven’t already used this before. Once validated, they’ll be able to start working on their application or return on Grantium. More information on how to use Grantium can be found in the Grantium Guidance section.
The new terms and conditions for the Scheme have also been published. These are completed electronically as part of the declaration on Grantium when making a return or application so they don’t need to be signed offline and sent in.
NIMC assess applications from local museums in Northern Ireland and prepares a report to present to the Accreditation panel.
We review of all information submitted and we often contact you to ask for more information or clarification.
All museums applying to the Accreditation Scheme for the first time will also receive a site visit for verification.
Site Visits
Site visits help us to gain a better understanding of your organisation. We visit all new applicants to the scheme, museums that have been through a period of significant change and a 10% sample of all returns.
We will let you know if we are planning on doing a site visit to your museum and will send you further information. Further site visit guidance can also be found here.
Once we have presented your report to the Accreditation panel, they will make a decision on your application.
There are a number of possible decisions they can make. For further information on Accreditation decisions can be found in the Post Award Information Sheet.
Here you will find links to further information on the ACE website about how to apply for Accreditation for the first time, as well as how to complete an Accreditation Return, and a Provisional Review.
If you are applying for the first time or reapplying after a period of non-participation, please see:
If you already hold a Full Accreditation award, you will be invited to complete an Accreditation Return about every five years.
Please see: (for help on preparing your Accreditation Return)
If you currently hold a Provisional Award, you will need to submit a Provisional Review by the deadline shown in your last outcome letter, usually 12 months from the date of the letter.
Please see: (for help on preparing your Accreditation Return)