Become a member of the NI Museums Council
As a registered charity, we rely on funding from a variety of sources. Our members take pride in supporting an organisation that is committed to developing local museums in Northern Ireland for this and future generations.
Why should you become a Member?
As a Member of NIMC, you will receive:
- Complimentary email copies of our ‘Museum Beat’ and ‘Newsletter’, which will keep you up to date with news, events, activities, training opportunities and jobs from around the country.
- Advantageous discounted rates for our training courses.
- Dedicated professional support from NIMC staff.
- Invitations to a range of networking and learning events organised by NIMC and partner organisations.
As a Member of NIMC, you will support us to:
- Advocate for local museums and museum professionals.
- Deliver a grants programme to local museums.
- Deliver a professional training programme.
- Undertake research that captures, communicates and enhances the public benefits and impacts that local museums provide.
We are pleased to say that our membership fees for 2023-24 have been frozen at the 2022-23 rate.
NIMC offers three types of Membership
1. Museum Members
This is open to museums in Northern Ireland that have obtained either full or provisional Accreditated Museum status. In addition to the standard membership benefits, Museum Member may apply for grant aid from NIMC, and will have access to NIMC staff support services, guidance and advice. The membership period is from April – March each year and is a rolling system (unless membership is cancelled by email).
2. Supporting Members
All local authorities in Northern Ireland including those operating non-Accredited museums or providing support for independent museums may apply for this class of membership. The membership period is from April – March each year and is a rolling system (unless membership is cancelled by email).
3. Associate Members
Associate Membership is open to individuals, non-accredited museums, and any other organisation or body that wishes to subscribe to the values and objectives of the NI Museums Council. The membership period is from April – March each year and is a rolling system (unless membership is cancelled by email).
Membership Fees
Museum Members
- For museums with a turnover up to £25,000 per year – £115/year
- For museums with a turnover of £25,000 – £75,000 per year – £230/year
- For museums with a turnover over £75,000 per year – £345/year
- Supporting Member – £175/year
Associate Members
- Individual – £35/year
- Corporations and Institutions – £115/year
We are committed to preserving the heritage of Northern Ireland for this and future generations.
How it Works
You can apply for NIMC Membership by filling in the application below. In completing the form, and submitting it, NIMC understands that you have read and understand the following Terms and Conditions:
- You are applying for membership of the Northern Ireland Museums Council, subject to its Memorandum & Articles of Association.
- You undertake to pay on demand such annual fees due for this and any succeeding year, and to provide at least six months’ notice in writing of your intention to resign from membership.
- You will undertake to contribute to the assets of the Council, to an amount not exceeding £1.00 sterling, in the event of its being wound up while you are still a member, or within one year after you cease to be a member, for the payments of the debts and liabilities of the Council contracted before you ceased to be a member, and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the members, and of the costs of, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the contributors among themselves.
Applications for membership are welcomed throughout the year.
How would you like to pay?
Please choose from either a credit/debit card or payment on invoice…